
Crafted based on needs of Security Consultants, Auditors and 
Network Administrators

Policy Optimization

Over years, the rule bases that controls your network devices gets clogged and clumsy, as they are over burdened with the rules which are obsolete, redundant and insecure. To achieve improved performance, stouter security and compliance with regulations, you need to clean up those rule bases. Firesec helps you in optimizing your rule base by generating comprehensive reports which helps you identifying and removing the bloated and unnecessary rules. In addition, the automated processes help you to optimally design and implement new rules.

Organizations can use Firesec to

Key Benefits

Security Risk Visibility

Network devices plays crucial role in safeguarding the enterprises security by handling massive amounts of traffic. Business needs are changing every day which eventually makes configuration more complex and huge. There are lot of security policies implemented across these network devices, at times, count often goes up to thousands of rules and objects. Objects may include hosts, host groups, services, service groups, interfaces, and zones. Firesec helps you in discovering the unused objects that unnecessary holding lot of space and reducing performance.

Organizations can use Firesec to:

Key Benefits

Periodic Configuration Reviews

Administrators are well aware of the fact that over time rule base tends to become complex, as they contain rules that may be obsolete or incorrect. Rule base reviews play a critical role in ensuring the ongoing analysis of the rule base. It evaluates the rules from your network devices to determine whether the security risks exist in the configuration, unwanted rules making database hefty, and if there are vulnerabilities allowed through the network devices for high risk prone services.

Organizations can use Firesec to

Key Benefits

Continuous Compliance

It’s a monotonous, erroneous, and prolonged process to prepare your firewalls from the audit perspective. As your rule bases are constantly changing, so it’s difficult to put all regulations in the continuance compliance for the point-in-time exercise. Having multifarious rules and ACL’s across various security devices, and voluminous updates constantly, makes it practically impossible to prepare for an audit manually.

Organizations can use Firesec to:

Key Benefits

Change Management

Getting the view of overall security posture of your organization is really a boon. Firesec allows users to customize their dashboard by adding widgets. With this, you can configure the links, graphs and charts, which displays the exact information of your network devices configuration analysis right on your dashboard.

Organizations can use Firesec to

Key Benefits

Customized Reports

In-depth analysis of the rules, provides you with the clear statistics of the rules usage. This statistic can be used by administrators to discover the adequacy of the respective rule, while implementing the security policy for an organization. So, from the rule base analysis, the administrator can easily take actions against the rules, which are unused, or moderately used. Also, can add new rules to meet the security policy requirements. Configuration analysis report provides you information about misconfigurations and/or sub-optimal configurations. This information helps the administrator to correct the problems of existing configurations and hence eventually leads to optimize the firewall performance.

Organizations can use Firesec to:

Key Benefits

Multi Vendor Support

Different enterprises make use of network devices that belongs to varied hardware vendors for different purposes. This leads to the network complexity and makes the configuration management process quite obscure. The security administrator needs to invest their crucial time to manage the configuration of these devices systematically. So, there is a requirement of a consolidated network configuration management solution, which not only simplifies administrators’ task but also saves your money. Firesec supports configuration management for devices from various hardware vendors. Currently,
we support the network devices from following vendors:

Config Comparison

Sometimes network device configurations are revised without notice or consent. These random changes can result in causing various network issues. Firesec performs comparison of configurations and displays a statistical report that consists of changes that were made. This concede you to rapidly and confidently reverse any undesirable changes.

Organizations can use Firesec to:

Key Benefits

What If Analysis

Firewall log analysis makes you aware of the security threats and traffic behaviour. Security log reports of firewall analysis helps security administrators to visualize network threat scenarios and guide them to accordingly plan their strategy to protect the organization’s data.

Organizations can use Firesec to

Key Benefits